Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Almost Christian #1

I am now beginning to read a book written by Kenda Creasy Dean called Almost Christian: What The Faith Of Our Teenagers Is Telling The American Church. This book offer some insights into how teenagers tend to think and feel about Christianity and church. She begins her book is stating that studies have shown that young people tend to mirror the approach and overall attitude of their parents when it comes to religion. The subtle truth that young people tend to reflect their parents when it comes to religion is both a joyful thought and at the same time it can be a disappointing thought. This outlook is seen in how young people appreciate or under-appreciate "church". This is seen in how young people "feel" about God and even how young people "feel" about Jesus. This book should be a wild ride...I will write about my journey through this book.

She begins chapter 1 with this quote..."A person will worship something, have no doubt about that...That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming." Interesting thought.  


  1. This should be a good read, let me know how it turns out. I have been thinking about this since you posted yesterday. In a class a few semesters ago my professor talked about head and gut theology. Head theology is what we say we believe, but gut theology is what we actually practice. (I simplified that a little but that is the gist of it.) Many people, i.e. parents, think they are practicing their 'head' theology but they always default to their 'gut' theology.

    I have always looked at it this way, if you want to see what a parent really believes then just look at the the way their children act toward the church and God. Because as the author states children will mirror their parent's beliefs. Perhaps parents should take this to heart...

  2. Very true my friend. The head and gut theory is definitely worth remembering.

  3. interesting. I think that quote is right on. We will always worship something. I hope you are nice in warm down in sunny Florida!
