Monday, March 21, 2011

Almost Christian #3

As I continue to read through Almost Christian I came across some powerful statements this week that are worthy of sharing: "Jesus tells the disciples, 'As the Father has sent me, so I send you.' In other words, Jesus not only sends the church where he was sent; he sends us in the same way that he was sent, as human translations of divine love, people whose words and actions do not grasp for God as much as they reveal a God who grasps for us...In Moralistic Therapeutic Deism's agenda of personal fulfillment, Christian discipleship enacts the inside-out logic of a self-giving God, whose power is weakness, who deems love worthy of suffering and who promises that life will spring from death" (64). May we strive to show the world through every word and every deed what the good news of Jesus is all about. People are paying attention, our youth are paying attention...let us live out what we believe.